Caws From Crowland

A Poem By "Crowbar."©Crowbar 1918

Dear "Footplate,"
We are mourning for the loss of poor old "Vicky,"
Who, having served her purpose here, has gone back home again.
She had a very fairish time, but once or twice was dicky,
The sudden change of water having caused a little pain.
We miss her brown complexion and her rather stylish carriage,
Her suppleness of action and her most determined stride
We had great hopes of keeping her by fixing up a marriage,
With our Rx as bridegroom and with Vicky as the bride.

For old Rx, though rather dark, is still a decent fellow,
But Vicky's near relations went and drew the colour line,
Also a vivid picture of a cove they called Othello,
Who throttled his wee wife in the days of auld lang syne; -
And so the two were parted, but we're hoping not for ever
And sometimes in the future they'll be running side by side,
From fair Australian cities to the back of Never Never,
No border lines to separate the bridegroom and the bride.

The trial results would seem to make young superheat the winner,
The old style being" an "also ran" so far as saving goes.
Details are being waited for by saint as well as sinner,
So there is something doing in the holy land of crows.
Perhaps some day when space permits you'll give the theme an airing,
And let us read the pros and cons 50 far as they are known,
For what's the use of knowledge if its fruits we can't be sharing?
But I suppose we'll have to wait 'till you're more fully grown.

There's nothing else to tell you that is new or interesting;
We keep on agitating in a casual kind of way.
Improvement is much needed, but there's little use protesting
Until we're all united, as we hope to be some day.
Then perhaps the nature and importance of our calling
Will wring due recognition from the powers who chance to be,
And pulling all together we shall have no time for brawling!
Along the path of progress towards the goal of liberty.


From The Footplate 29 November 1918

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